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Language Center, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya


The Language Center  provides services which including self-study language facilities, foreign languages courses, standardize tests and language development projects for all students, staff and outsiders.


Office Hours

 From Monday to Friday,  8.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m.



At  building 02, Room 02101, Faculty of Liberal Arts


Self – study learning facilities and resources

>Foreign Language books


>A mini movie theater

>Electronic books

>Computers with internet access

>Self -learning Corner


The procedure for using the services of the Language Center

  1. Register as a new member
  2. Inform the staff if you want to use any materials
  3. Sign your name before borrowing any materials.
  4. Inform directly to the staff if there are any broken materials.
  5. Do not take any materials out of the Language Center without permission.
  6. Keep all materials back into their places before leaving.
  7. Do not bring any food and drinks into the Language Center.   
  8. Do not make noise inside the Language Center.
  9. Wear a student uniform while using the services.