Information about the Department

History of the General Studies Department

The General Studies Department was originally known as the “Common Studies Faculty.” It was later renamed the “General Studies Faculty,” and it is currently known as the “General Studies Department” under the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. The General Studies Department is an academic unit established by the Ministry of Education’s announcement regarding the division of government units within Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya in 2007, dated October 3, 2007, and published in the Royal Gazette, Volume 124, Special Section 163ง, page 13, dated October 26, 2007. The department consists of five curriculum courses: Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Thai Language, and Physical Education.

Vision of the General Studies Department

“Aiming to promote graduates to possess morality, ethics, a thirst for knowledge and learning, a sense of public-mindedness, and the ability to apply knowledge in daily life.”